NVIDIA and PNY Technologies Launch ?Got Voodoo ? Get Verto?!


This is outrageous!! First nVidia buys 3dfx, now they expect us to give up our Voodoos and switch to GeForce? I don't know about you, but I'm holding on to my Voodoo 3! 3dfx FOREVER!

why....its not as good, who gives a ***** what brand owns who and what owns that...what ever is the best is what will be in my computer. WHy play those stupid roles where you will only own a voodoo...YEAH they were good at one time, but not now..nvidia is, and when bitboys is the best ill buy that, and when ati is the best ill buy that

Wow..I can get up to $30.00 back for my $300.00 Voodoo V5 5500...I'll get back to you!

$30 is better than a big fat $0, wouldn't you say?

HAHAHA THATS GOOD TRADE MY GOOD CARD AGAINST A PIECE IF SH** :D I want a good card like the radeon!!! They can burn up their sh***y cards >:-|

$300 card?!? I find it hard to believe that you actually paid $300 for one of those, it was an outdated when it was released and it is a completely worthless POS now! I for one am quite shocked that Nvidia would buy these worthless POS cards back... I sure wouldn´t :P 3DFX did very little to innovate the market after they released the voodoo 1/2 chipset (unless you call adding more chips innovative), they deserved to die and thankfully got what they rightfully deserved. Getting caught up in "brand name" hype is one of the most retarded things a person can do, I mean, talking about how R1 card owned when you never tried a R2 card or R3 card is pretty dumb... Saying 3dfx owned Nvidia is like saying ford owned delorian - one had class, the other had brand name recognition. ;) I bought both Nvidia and 3dfx cards and Nvidia consistently had the stronger releases (past the TNT stage). You can say "3dfx owned, poor 3dfx"... But 3DFX died because they stayed stagnant, they did not develop anything new until Nvidia launched the TNT and by that time it was too late, Nvidia had better technology and 3DFX was too far behind the times to catch up. The only reason 3dfx survived long enough to produce their sorry-as-anything V4/5 cards is because of brand name recognition from a few dedicated morons who cared very little about having a card that performed in the real-world and/or liked 3DFX's catchy slogan: "When the competition gets tough, add more chips!". RIP 3dfx... 3 chips short of staying alive. (And an extra 96 MB of ram for that matter)

You were a moron for buying a voodoo 5 in the 1st place

That has to be most lame ploy for sales I have ever seen anywhere. The offer is a slap in face if nothing else. He11, I know I can still get more for any Voodoo card than nVIDIA and PNY are offering in trade. Don't get me wrong, I like the Geforce cards (I own one), this is just a bad deal... REALLY BAD! What are they thinking? Are they thinking?

??? What ... they missed a product-cycle.. that with a low-share value made the stock-holders nervous and sell-out.. 3dfx appeared to have something new up their sleeves (rumoured) in the names of SAGE & RAMPAGE, an multichip T&L & multichip Rasterizer... but they never had the chance to put them on the market